Glory in the Bitter Cold

On Wednesday, the height of the “Polar Vortex” here in the Midwest, I opted to do my daily run at an indoor running track. I run in just about any kind of weather, but I heard enough warnings about frostbite in the -40 degree windchills that I decided to play it safe. Before I lived in the Midwest, I didn’t realize that there was an appreciable difference between 0 degrees and -40 degrees. Although I will admit both are painful, one is much quicker to cause harm.

In light of our recent low temperatures, I was thinking about Psalm 19:6 that says (describing the sun), “and there is nothing hidden from its heat.” That’s true, isn’t it? In the coldest parts of the world, the temperature would be even colder if not for the heat of the sun; in fact, although space is colder than earth, the temperature outside earth’s atmosphere is still warmed by the sun.

Of course, in writing Psalm 19 David isn’t trying to convince anyone of the necessity of the sun for warmth. He is making a statement about the glory of God, which we may need help understanding, and comparing it to the sun, which we see in the sky each day.

Romans 1:20 tells us that “… since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made …” In similar fashion, Psalm 19 is proclaiming that these heavens are shamelessly shouting the glory of God. Amazing.

And even more staggering, just as nothing is hidden from the heat of the sun, nothing is unaffected by the glory of God. NOTHING. Where can you find the glory of God? ANYWHERE. Difficult situation at work? God’s glory is there. Unimaginable pain in the midst of loss? God’s glory is there. Relentless life storms that show no sign of abating? God’s glory is there. As Corrie Ten Boom’s sister Betsie declared in a WW2 German concentration camp, “There is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.”

What does this mean for us? Look for His glory. The trials are real. Life’s pain is not imagined. Bitter cold is treacherous. But God’s glory is just as real, and just as present in every situation. And with His glory comes hope.

The Heavens Are Telling …

The heavens are telling the glory of God … Psalm 19:1

I looked out over the grassy field and saw the sun still low in the east. The skies were bright, the air was crisp, and my heart was full.

Today during my time with God I was transported back over 30 years as I remembered some of my earliest days as a follower of Jesus. I had attended a Christian conference for college students in Monterey, California, during the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. The conference schedule included a “quiet time” each day, a time when we could personally connect with the Lord by praying, reading our Bibles, journaling, etc.

I bought a cup of Bigelow Apple Orchard tea from the hotel (it smelled so good, I can still remember it … but it was so expensive for a college student!) and found a spot to sit outside. I was looking out on a big open area of green, with trees in the distance, a bit of a chill in the air (it was winter, but it was also California so it wasn’t too cold), and the beauty of the sun shining early in the morning.

I didn’t really know what to do with myself during that time. I tried to pray … I tried to read … but mostly I just looked. I found the scenery to be breathtaking. I didn’t have a lot of words, but communication was happening. My heart was at such peace as I sat and admired His handiwork. I felt close to God in those early moments of the morning.

Psalm 19 says that the heavens declare the glory of God. If the heavens are so vast and beautiful that they fill us with awe, what must the One who made them be like?


Thanks for stopping by!  We hope you’ll find our site helpful as you explore Psalm 19 in 2019.  

God’s Word is “more desirable than gold, yes, than much fine gold”  (Psalm 19:10). There are great treasures to be found as we take time to study it and hide it in our hearts.

We will periodically post thoughts about Psalm 19, encouragement to memorize the passage, and maybe even some humor from time to time.  Also, as we become more aware of resources on the psalm we will post them on our Resources page.

Looking forward to our journey together in the coming year!

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